2)Learn about Indonesia/ インドネシアについて学ぼう


The time difference between Japan and Jakaruta is 2 hours, whereas that between Japan and Bali is just one hour..

So the answer is 2.

High-rise buildings were not seen in Yogyakaruta.
On August 17 is the memorial day of independence. Independence from the Netherlands was declaed on that day of 1945 though it was acknowledged in 1949. So it is said that a lot of flags and decarations are seen in front of almost every house for about a month around August 17.
I heard that the number of motorbikes have been increasing so much in these two or three years.

So the answer is 3.

Yogyakaruta has 4,500,000 population and has 57 univercities including 3 national's. School education system is very smilar to Japan, 6-3-3-4.
I've herad that many students assemble in Yogyakaruta.

So the answer is 1.

Yogyakarta's support was essential in the Indonesian struggle for independence during the Indonesian National Revolution (1945-1949).
In return for Yogyakarta's support, the declaration of Special Authority over Yogyakarta was granted in full in 1950 and Yogyakarta was given the status as a Special Administrative Region, making Yogyakarta the only region headed by a monarchy in Indonesia.
It is the only region in Indonesia that is still governed by a pre-colonial monarchy, the Sultan of Yogyakarta, who serves as the hereditary governor of the region.

So the answer is 3.

Exactly its mayer is the king. But problem is that he has daughters but not sons.

Approximately 40 kilometres (25 mi) northwest of Yogyakarta and 86 kilometres (53 mi) west of Surakarta, Borobudur is located in an elevated area between two twin volcanoes, Sundoro-Sumbing and Merbabu-Merapi, and two rivers, the Progo and the Elo.

So the answer is 1.

 Borobudur is still used for pilgrimage; once a year, Buddhists in Indonesia celebrate Vesak at the monument, and Borobudur is Indonesia's single most visited tourist attraction
 But in the past and even now, it has suffered lot of difficulties.

 On 21 January 1985, nine stupas were badly damaged by nine bombs. In 1991, a blind Muslim preacher, Husein Ali Al Habsyie, was sentenced to life imprisonment for
masterminding a series of bombings in the mid-1980s, including the temple attack.
 In 2006, an earthquake of 6.2 magnitude on the Richter scale struck the south coast of Central Java. The event caused severe damage around the region and casualties to the nearby city of Yogyakarta, but Borobudur remained

 Borobudur was heavily affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi in 2010. Volcanic ash from Merapi fell on the temple complex, which is approximately 28 kilometres west-southwest of the crater. A layer of ash up to 2.5 centimetres fell on the temple statues. The temple complex was closed from 5 to 9 November to clean up the ashfall.

 By the way, on the stupa standing on the top of Borobudur, you can see
a lightning rod installed.   * a lightning rod=避雷針

So the answer is 3.


The answer is 3.

The Prambanan temples collapsed during a major earthquake in the 16th century.
The Javanese locals in the surrounding villages developed tales and legends to explain the origin of temple ruis, infused with myths of giants, and a cursed princess.
《The Legend of Rara Jonggrang is a Javanese popular legend (folktales) from Central Java telling the story of love and betrayal, the knight and the cursed princess. It also explains the mythical origin of Ratu Boko palace, Sewu temple, and the Durga statue in Prambanan temple compound. The title Rårå (pronounced Roro) is ancient Javanese honorific title to address noble maidens (virgins) or unmarried princesses, thus the name Rara Jonggrang in Javanese means 'Slender Virgin'.》
In 1918, the Dutch began reconstruction of the compound and proper restoration only in 1930. Efforts at restoration continue to this day. The reconstruction of the main Shiva temple was completed around 1953 and inaugurated by Sukarno.
Prambanan was damaged during the May 2006 Java earthquake. again.


The answer is 2.
You can see sighnboards to say "Those who worship are only permitted to enter the temple."
Tourists have to use the parking lots 1km away from hte temple while those who worship with offerings are allowed to park nearby.
Every Hindu Balinese put an offering, a small plate with a bit of flower petals and sweets in front of the gates of their houses or temples every morning, some put before sunset.


9) "true or false questions"

  1. True
    I found so many sea urchin, but all Balinese I talked to said that they never ate and won't eat sea urchin.
  2. False
    Maximum4 persons (2 adults & 2 kids) are permitted to ride on a motor bike in Indonesia.
  3. False
    People need to wear helmets in Indonesia but sometimes they don't wear especially in the rural area where there are few policemen.
  4. True
    Indonesians' driving technique is amazing. It must be so scary for nomal Japnese as well as eldery people to drive on the roads in Bali and Yogyakaruta.
  5. True
    The tourist guide said that maximum speed is not set in Indonesia though there can be some exceptions.
  6. True
    I saw a water buffalo cultivating the rice field. They can
    harvest rice 3 times a year!
  7. False
    In Java they keep civet cats to get good coffee beans.
    In the USA they call the coffee "Civet Cofee
    ジャコウネココーヒー" or "Weasel Coffeeイタチ(ウイーズる)コーヒー" though the animal is Civet, not Weasel.
    《コピ・ルアク(インドネシア語 Kopi Luwak)とはジャコウネコの糞から取られる未消化のコーヒー豆のこと、とても値段が高い》


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