2)Learn about Indonesia/ インドネシアについて学ぼう
  …中学生(英検3級以上)~大人向け / 2014年8月作成

○×問題          = True or False Question
3択(多肢選択式の)問題 = Multiple Choice Question

   HOW TO PLAY THE GAME  ゲームのやり方
 1 Let's play a game called
"Learn about Indonesia" that I made.

I went to Indonesia last month and found a lot of interesting things there.

I made several questions about Indonesia.


 2  Multiple Choice Question

I prepare three choices for each question.

Please choose one.

If your guess is right, you can get one point.



 3  True or False Question

I also prepare true or false questions.

Please guess if they are right or not.

If your guess is right, you can get one point



 4 A person who gains the highest points is the winner.

In case there are more than one person who get the highest points, the same points,  the winner is decided by
doing Jangken, rock-papper-scissors.

Only one person becomes the winner
・・・・and gets a prize, a present!

So do your best!



 5 Now let's start the game and learn about Indonesia! さあ、ゲームを始めて、インドネシアについて学びましょう。

About Indonesia; (mostly from Wikipedia)

 Indonesia has the area of 1,919,000km² (fifteenth in the world and 5 times as large as that of Japan) and has the population of 247,000,000 in 2012 (fourth in the world and about 2 times of Japan.
《Japan has 378,000km² and 127,000,000 population.》


 Indonesia consists of hundreds of distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups. The largest and politically dominant ethnic group are the Javanese. A shared identity has developed, defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, religious pluralism within a majority Muslim population, and a history of colonialism and rebellion against it.



 Indonesia's national motto, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" ("Unity in Diversity" literally, "many, yet one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country.

《解説》Bhinneka Tunggal Ika=「多様性の中の統一」(「多い、けれども1つ」)という意味で、このインドネシアの国としてのスローガンが、多様性を維持したまま、多民族国家に国家的統一をもたらすためのイデオロギーになったと言われています。

 A tourist guide gave me some examples relating to this motto. Many Chinese living in Indonesia changed their names into ones like Indonesians. That used to be somewhat mandatory. It seems to be unusual in other countries. What do you think about it?

 Now, please find out the right answer from multiple choices.

It takes about seven and half hours from Narita to Jakaruta, Indonesia.
 Then how long is the time difference between Japan and Jakaruta?

  1. 1 hour
  2. 2 hours
  3. 3 hours
2) I went to Yogyakaruta from Jakaruta by plane (about 1-hour-fright).
 As soon as I got there, about nine o'clock in the evening, I found something special. What is it?
  1. There were so many skyscrapers.
  2. There were so many balloons along the streets, in front of almost every house.
  3. There were so many motorbikes on the streets.
3) Yogyakaruta is unique in its composition of the population. 
What is it?
  1. One-third of population consists of students.     
  2. One-third of population consists of civil servants.
  3. One-third of population consists of foreigners.
4) The way of electing the mayor of Yogyakaruta is also unique.
  1. Because its mayor is appointed by the President of Indonesia.
  2. Because its mayor is elected among civil servants (《米》public servants).
  3. Because its mayor is elected among the sulatan's (king's) family.

☆ Yogyakaruta has two world heritage sites, Borobudur and Prambanan.

Borobudur is a Mahayana Buddhist Temple in Central Java, Indonesia.

 Built from the 8th to 9th century (780AD-833AD, the era of Kuuka in Japan) during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty, the temple was designed in Javanese Buddhist architecutre, which blends the Indonesian
indigenous cult of ancestor worship and the Buddhist concept of attaining Nirvana.
*Nirvana=ニアナァ=涅槃(ねはん)、解脱 ≒ enlightenment=悟り

 Worldwide knowledge of its existence was sparked in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, then the British ruler of Java, who was advised of its location by native Indonesians.
*《訳》その存在の世界的な知識は(→存在が世界的に知られるようになるのは)トーマス・スタンフォード・ラッフル卿によって、1814年に(突然)引き起こされました。(→もたらされました。)/(彼は)その時、ジャワの英国人統治者(* ジャワ総督代理)で、/原住民のインドネシア人達によって、その位置について助言を受けていました。

5)Now where is Borobudur located ? (What kind of place does Borobudur stand in or on?)
  1. It stands on a hill.
  2. It stands on the flat land surrounded by rice field.
  3. It stands in the forest.
6)In 2010 Borobudur suffered the severe disaster. What was that?
  1. The lightning struck the tallest stupa and it was damaged.
  2. An earthquake struck Yogyakarta and precious relief panels fell down.
  3. It was covered with ash from Mt. Merapi which erupted in that year.

Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple site in Indonesia built in 9th century.

 In the center of Prambanan complex stands the Shiva temple, the tallest and largest structure there, measuring 47 meters tall and 34 meters wide.

7) After enjoying the main part of Prambanan, I saw the amazing scene in the huge vacant field behind the main part of Prambanan. What do you think that was?
  1. The field was filled with motor bikes.
  2. The field was filled with garbage and trash.
  3. The field was filled with stones and rocks like debris.   

☆It takes about one and half hours from Yogyakarta to
Denpasar in Bali.
Unlike most of Muslim-majority Indonesia, about 83.5% of Bali's population
adheres to Balinese Hinduism, formed as a combination of existing local beliefs and Hindu influences from mainland Southeast Asia and South Asia.
*adhere to=アドアー=~を固守する、~をかたくなに信奉する

8)The Mother Temple of Besakih is the most important, the largest and holiest temple of Hindu religion in Bali.  It is in the village of Besakih in eastern Bali on the slopes of active volcano, Mount Agung ( 3,031m) which last erupted in 1963-1964.
Perched nearly 1000 meters up the side of Gunung Agung, it is an extensive complex of 23 separate but related temples.

Now which choice is right?
  1. Tourists can use the parking lots close to the Mother Temple of Besakih while Hindu who come to worship have to use ones 1km away from the temple.
  2. Tourists are prohibited to go inside the temple and just allowed to look around.
  3. Each tourist has to prepare an offering, a small plate with a bit of flower petals and sweets, as most Balinese do every day.
9) Now let's do "true or false questions" They are from what I saw and what I heard from an Indonesian guide in 2014.
  1. .At the beach in Bali, I found something good for Sushi. I found many on and under rocks.
    It is
    sea urchin not prawn.  (車えび ではなく ウニ)

  2. About motor bikes; maximum 3 persons are permitted to ride on a motor bike in Indonesia.

  3. About motor bikes; they don't need to wear helmets in Indonesia.

  4. About cars; they have to return their driver's license when they become 60.

  5. About traffic rules; maximum speed is not set in Indonesia.

  6. In Java they use water buffalos for farming even now.

  7. In Java they keep civet cats to get furs.
    *civet cat=スィビットゥ キャッツ=ジャコウネコ


第4章 和文英訳・英語を話せるようになるための英作文

第6章 カテゴリー別・英語のまとめ/Gameに戻る

GAME (ゲーム)