大学生レベル/英文のレポートの書き方    … 日本の産業について  戻る




 まず、introduction (導入部)、body (主要部)、conclusion (結び)の3段階に分け、書くべきポイントを走り書きしておきます。introductionは長くなり過ぎないように。conclusionは、わからなければ初めから決められなくても大丈夫。論点を絞って考えていくと、次第に自分なりの考えが明確になってくることもあります。




 通じる英語でレポートが完成したら、最後にもう一度、自分の書いた英文を読んで、その英文が相手に伝わる、説得力のあるレポート(persuasive report)になっているか、確認してみましょう。英文を完成させる事ばかりに気持ちが行って、論理性の書ける文章になっていては、せっかくの努力が水の泡です。しっかり推敲の作業ができるかどうかで、レポートの出来は大きく違ってきます。



①Introduction; 「産業」と言っても、あまりにも範囲が広く、簡単に説明できるものではありません。ある程度、大まかな説明と、その中のどのような産業について書くのか、的を絞りましょう。

②Body; 話の展開に、実体験に基づく考えを入れていくと、説得力のある文になるでしょう。

③Conclusion; As for me (自分としては)などを使って、「自分はこう思う」「自分はこうなることを望む」など、自分自身の考えを入れるのも良いと思います。

④その他: 文献など引用した場合は、必ず出典を明らかにしましょう。


やってみよう! 以下に、まだ社会人になっていない大学生目線のレポートを例に挙げます。ネットで色々調べて、書いてくれたようですが、自分の体験を踏まえ、自分なりの視点を持ってまとめています。細かいミスはありますが、そこそこ相手に伝わりやすく書けています。

 英文: 添削前
I will talk about Japan's major industries.

There are many industries that can be proud of in Japan,
but in that I would like to write about automotive manufacturing and tourism.
だから、それら(多くの産業)のなかで=so among them」のようにしてはどうでしょう。


automobile〔car〕 manufacturig industry=自動車製造業
the automotive indsutry
the automotive industry in Japan=日本の自動車産業
The most transported thing from Japan is the car.

In the domestic maker sales number ranking, 1st is Toyota, 2nd is Honda, 3rd is Nissan.

Japanese cars have very good performance and technology.

In recent years, the development of lighter and smaller hybrid cars has mainly been promoted.

It is one way to improve the environmental problems facing the world.
the major export of Japan=日本の主要輸出品
例)What is the major export of Canada?=カナダの主要輸出品は何ですか。

The major exports of Japan are cars.

The ranking of domestic maker sales is as follows; ~
 For example, when I was a high school student, I took a hybrid car of my friend's family.

I have already known that hybrid cars are environmentally friendly.

However, I was surprised
to hear that my friend's father said that it does not need much gas.

I thought it reasonable because we could have a positive impact on humans by thinking about and acting on environmental issues. 「私たちが環境問題を考えて行動することで人間にも良い影響をもたらすため、合理的だと思いました。」

So I want foreigners to know Japanese cars and feel the greatness of Japanese technology.
*take a drive in one's car
ride in a car=get in a car

*I have already known
→I had already knownまたはI knew

to hear that my friend's father said that→to hear my friend's father say that の方がすっきりする?

*hybrid carsと複数にしているので、その後は、they don't needとのように、数を合わせるとわかりやすい。

I thought it reasonable because~ ここが意味が通じません。日本語を、もう少し簡潔にして、英文を作ると良いと思います。例えば、以下を参考にしてください。
effective in/in doing
I thought them (=hybrid cars) effective in reducing global warming. (私は、それらが地球温暖化を減らすのに効果的であると思いました。)
We should think about environmental issues as well as developing industry. (私達は産業を発展させると同様に環境問題について考えるべきであると思います。)

find Japanese techonology great…日本の技術が素晴らしいと(わかって欲しい)
In addition, running a tourism business is an opportunity to let people overseas know about Japan.

Japan has various features that are not found overseas.

First of all, Japan has four seasons. Therefore, tourists can enjoy different scenery
depending on the season.

For example, I
make it a habit to watch cherry blossoms every spring.

I feel beauty when I see cherry blossoms are fluttering and blowing like snow. So, I would like tourists to feel the Japanese style.
running a tourism business(観光業を営む)と書いてしまうと、経営者目線になり、変です。また、まだ発展途上の産業である観光業について出てくるので、少し説明が必要なので、以下のようにしてはどうでしょう。

The Japnese governmet is promoting tourism for foreigners now.(日本政府は現在、外国人向けの観光業を促進しています。)


depending on the season
changing with the seasons

make it a habit to do
=make a habit of doing

四季の説明をした後なので、In springからつなげると、わかりやすいです。

I especially like cherry blossoms in full bloom falling like a snowstorm.

feel the Japanese style
→feel the beauty of Japanの方が良い?

first of allで始めると、second 、thenなど続けないと変?
Furthermore, a popular tourist attraction for  foreigners is Mt. Fuji.

It is the highest mountain in Japan.
Its elevation is 3776m and it is registered as a World Heritage Site.

Also, I will go mountain climbing
when it is summer vacation.

And I
enjoy the view from the top of the mountain looking at sunrise and sunset.

The view from the top of the mountain is beautiful. Therefore, I recommend that
you climb Mt. Fuji when people from overseas come to Japan.
It is 3776 meters high and is registered~の方が、ここでは文がすっきりするのでは?

when it is summer vacation
→during summer vacation

*I enjoyは時制が?
経験していればI enjoyed、これから経験する予定ならば、I'm sure I will enjoy~。習慣的に登山をするならばevery yearなど入れて、現在形でもOK。

*the top of the mountain が2度出てくるので、整理が必要。また、ここのyouが誰なのか、people from overseasとの関連を考えると変?
I recommend that people from overseas climb Mt. Fuji~
In conclusion, I think that overseas people can know the goodness of Japan by managing major industries in Japan.

Also, I would like to be involved in the field of tourism in the future.

I want to create a world where people can respect different cultures.
the goodness→the good points

by managing major industries in Japan…??
「外国人に日本の産業を知ってもらうことで」=by knowing industries in Japan

I want to create~としてしまうと、「そんなことできるの?」になってしまうので、
I want to do something to create

respect each culture
I will talk about Japan's major industries. There are many industries that can be proud of in Japan, so among them I would like to write about the automotive industry and tourism.

The major exports of Japan are cars.The ranking of domestic maker sales is as follows; 1st is Toyota, 2nd Honda and 3rd Nissan. Japanese cars have very good performance and technology. In recent years, the development of lighter and smaller hybrid cars has mainly been promoted. It is one way to improve the environmental problems facing the world.

When I was a high school student, I got in a hybrid car of my friend's family. Though I had already known that the hybrid cars are environmentally friendly, I was so surprised to hear my friend's father say that they don't need much gas. I thought them very effective in reducing global warming. We should think about environmental issues as well as developing industry. I want foreigners to know Japanese cars and find Japanese techonology great.

On the other hand, the Japnese governmet is promoting tourism for foreigners now. I think it would help them to know about Japan. Japan has various features that are not found overseas.

First of all, Japan, filled with nature, has four seasons. Tourists can enjoy different scenery changing with the seasons. For example, I make it a habit to watch cherry blossoms every spring. I especially like cherry blossoms in full bloom falling like a snowstorm. I would like tourists to feel the beauty of Japan.

Furthermore, a popular tourist attraction for  foreigners is Mt. Fuji. It is 3776 meters high, the highest mountain in Japan, and is registered as a World Heritage Site. I have climbed Mt. Fuji once during summer vacation. The view from the top of the mountain is marvelous. I'll never forget the night sky filled with twinkling stars and a beautiful sunrise coming up from the sea of clouds. I recommend that people from overseas climb Mt. Fuji if possible.

In conclusion, I hope that overseas people will know the good points of Japan. As for me, I would like to be involved in the field of tourism in the future. I want to do something to create a world where we can respect each culture.



  Japan's industrial sector makes up approximately 27.5% of its GDP. Japan's major industries are motor vehicles, electronics, machine tools, metals, ships, chemicals and processed foods; some major Japanese industrial companies include Toyota, Canon Inc., Toshiba and Nippon Steel.

Japan is the third largest automobile producer in the world, following China and USA, and is home to Toyota, the world's largest automobile company. The Japanese consumer electronics industry, once considered the strongest in the world, is currently in a state of decline as competition arises in countries like South Korea, the United States and China. However, despite also facing similar competition from South Korea and China, the Japanese shipbuilding industry is expected to remain strong due to an increased focus on specialized, high-tech designs.

Japan attracted 19.73 million international tourists in 2015 and increased by 21.8% to attract 24.03 million international tourists in 2016. Tourism from abroad is one of the few promising businesses in Japan. Foreign visitors to Japan doubled in last decade and reached 10 million people for the first time in 2013, led by increase of Asian visitors.

In 2008, the Japanese government has set up Japan Tourism Agency and set the initial goal to increase foreign visitors to 20 million in 2020. In 2016, having met the 20 million target, the government has revised up its target to 40 million by 2020 and to 60 million by 2030.

Japan has 20 World Heritage Sites, including Himeji Castle, Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto and Nara. Popular tourist attractions include Tokyo and Hiroshima, Mount Fuji, ski resorts such as Niseko in Hokkaido, Okinawa, riding the shinkansen and taking advantage of Japan's hotel and hotspring network.

For inbound tourism, Japan was ranked 16th in the world in 2015. In 2009, the Yomiuri Shimbun published a modern list of famous sights under the name Heisei Hyakkei (the Hundred Views of the Heisei period). The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017 ranks Japan 4th out of 141 countries overall, which was the best in Asia. Japan gained relatively high scores in almost all aspects, especially health and hygiene, safety and security, cultural resources and business travel.

In 2016, 24,039,053 foreign tourists visited Japan. Neighbouring South Korea is Japan's most important source of foreign tourists. In 2010, the 2.4 million arrivals made up 27% of the tourists visiting Japan. Chinese travelers are the highest spenders in Japan by country, spending an estimated 196.4 billion yen (US$2.4 billion) in 2011, or almost a quarter of total expenditure by foreign visitors, according to data from the Japan Tourism Agency.

The Japanese government hopes to receive 40 million foreign tourists every year by 2020.
In 2018, 31,191,929 foreign tourists visited Japan.