気になる新聞記事/Tokyo Olympics 2020戻る

About Volunteers for TOKYO 2020 Olympics
 東京2020 大会ボランティアについて(私の場合)
          (Updated on Aug 18, 2021)
PREFACE in English/ 序文 (英語)  by Makki


↑2018年12月~2021年8月 コロナ禍による延期ほか、色々ありましたが、大会ボランティアがどのように決まったか、組織委員会とどのようなやり取りがあったかなど、時系列でまとめました。

Tokyo organizers say 10,000 prospective volunteers have pulled out
…2021年6月13日/The Japan News 新聞記事 (英語のみ)

My comment on the above article/ Withdrawal of volunteers
…上記記事に関する私の考え (英語のみ)

E-mails from Tokyo2020 Field Cast Office (English only)
  《from May 2020 to 2021》

E-learningのレベルチェックテストのWritingの課題 by Makki
  《Jun 11, 2021》

2021年7月8日/初の会場研修で感じたこと by Makki

…7月12日/ 読売新聞記事 (日本語のみ)

…7月13日/ by Makki (日本語のみ) 



ブログ: 東京2020五輪/フィールドキャスト研修
Blog: Tokyo 2020 Olympics Field Cast Training held on Nov 14. 2019

PREFACE by Makki

While I am going to participate in the Tokyo Olympic Games as a field cast, I have heard many good news and bad news on the Olympics recently. One of the best news for me is that Kohei Uchimura executed the Bretshneider in the horizontal bar final and grabbed the host nation's only spot for the individual apparatus events.

In last November he said after 1-day exhibition gym meet on a pubic-address system to fans in the Yoyogi National Stadium,
"Unfortunately, 80 percent of the Japanese don’t believe that the Tokyo Olympics can take place as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I know it is natural to think this way. But I would like people to change their minds from: We can’t hold the Olympics to how can we do it?”

His speech impressed me a lot and I decided not to pull out of being a volunteer.

I attached articles relating the withdrawal of 10,000 volunteers, etc. I also attached some excerpts (quotations) of e-mails from the TOKYO2020 Field Cast office just for your information.


東京2020オリンピックで大会ボランティア(Field Cast)をすることになりました。どのような役割か、どの会場で活動するかは、組織委員会からの連絡が来るまでわかりません。また、役割が示されても、実際何をやればよいかは、2週間ほど前の会場別研修まではよくわかりませんでした。





 《2018年12月 ~ 2021年8月》

① 2018.12.17 メールでで応募(ネット)→面接(有楽町にて)→合格通知が来てボランティア登録(ネット)
実は千葉県の都市ボランティア(City Cast)にも応募していたのですが、書類選考だけで落選してしまい、かなりショックを受けていたので、大会ボランティアに通った時は、嬉しかったと同時にホッとしました。

② 2019.11.14 最初のフィールドキャスト研修 (代々木/国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター) 詳しくはブログ:フィールドキャスト研修 をご覧ください。

③ 2020.5.13 メール/ コロナの影響による大会延期などによるでスケジュール変更の可能性やボランティアの意向を聞くアンケートの予定などが通知される。この時点で辞退をすることも可能となった。 (ただ、もともとオリパラ両大会で活動を希望される方が非常に多く、希望に添えない状況だったということ。多くの辞退者が出た場合に、改めてオファーの可能性があることが示唆された。)

④2021.03.06 メール/ 役割・会場のお知らせ(オファー)案内/ 4月中旬までに示されたシフトについて、都合の悪い日の削除とシフトの承諾をWeb上のマイページで確認するように依頼が届く。この時点で辞退も可能という通知もあり。

⑤2021.05.07 メール/ シフト承諾をした人から、アクレディテーションカードとユニフォームの受け取り予約ができる案内が届く。予約はWeb上のマイページで行う。

⑥2021.06.04 メール/ オリンピックで活動予定のフィールドキャストは5万4千人、パラリンピックでは2万6千人と組織委より公表される。(8万人のうち約1万人が活動そのものを辞退。辞退者数は3月下旬から増えた傾向にあり、コロナ感染への不安に加え、シフト表を受け取って実際に活動がむずかしいと判断した人、異動・就職・引っ越しなどの環境変化で活動がむずかしくなった人もいるとの認識が示される。)

⑦2021.06.12 アクレディテーションカードとユニフォームの受け取り/ 会場は全国で数か所、期間も2か月ほどあり、予約してから向かう。私の場合はTOKYO-UACビル、旧ホテルオークラ別館。ユニフォームや靴などのサイズは、あらかじめマイページで記入しており、5分程度の試着機会も用意された。大人数の試着希望者に対して、感染リスクを少なくする流れ作業で、多少慌ただしかったが、1時間ほどでスムーズに受け取りができた。

⑧2021.06.26 メール/ 新型コロナワクチン接種の対象を、大会関係者、通訳や選手に接する役割のボランティアだけでなく、「今般安全・安心な大会運営の実現のため、(強制ではないが)全ての大会ボランティアに接種の案内を行うこととした(1回目6/30-7/3)」という通知が届く。

⑨2021.07.08 14:00-17:30 MMA/MMB会場研修 (幕張メッセ)
Taekwondo HallA(1-8) 7/24-27
Westling   HallA(1-8) 8/1-7
Fencing   HallB(9-11) 7/24-8/1
パラリンピックはSitting Volleyball, Wheelchair fencing (8/25-29), Taekwondo, Goalballが開催予定。

⑩2021.07.09 メール/ 多くの会場がコロナの影響で無観客になったことで、観客案内(イベントサービス)の役割を担う方の活動内容の見直しが必要となり、現在調整中の連絡が届く。組織委としては、活動が最低半日~1日になる可能性もあるが、フィールドキャスト全員参加の希望が示唆される。

事務連絡のみで、組織委トップからボランティアへのコメントがないことに、多少不信感を感じる。City Castが、無観客になって役割がなくなり「解散」となった時も、事務連絡のみで、トップのコメント(組織委か自治体のトップか責任の所在が不明なのも問題!)がなかったように聞いている。

⑪2021.07.13 メール (原文そのまま)↓
先日一都三県などでの無観客開催が決まり、残念ながら一部のCity Castの活動が中止になるなど、大会直前での大きな変更がありました。

2021.07.13 /上記メール取得後、私が組織委員会に出した意見

 東京2020 お問い合わせ窓口
 Tokyo 2020 Enquiry Desk
 The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games


TOKYO2020 お問い合わせ →その他のお問い合わせ





結果: このメール対しての返信はありませんでした。

⑫2021.07.17 パラサポよりPCR検査についてのメール

「Regading PCR test:
As already announced in Field cast COVID-19 countermeasures guideline, you will need to take screening tests at a certain frequency .
We ask all VRTM field casts of Technology to take screening tests once every 4 days.

⑬2021.07.18 組織委員会 東京2020テクノロジーサービス局 Field Cast Supportチーム/幕張メッセBホール(MMB)会場担当からのメール


内容//みなさまにご依頼する「Venue Result Team Member」は競技結果の計測にかかる機器の操作などご担当いただくポジションとなります。OMEGA社の担当者と操作手順を確認し、習得していただきます。当日は、支給のユニフォームと靴をご着用いただき、アクレディテーションカードを忘れずにご持参ください。」

⑭2021.07.19 TOKYO2020フィールドキャスト運営事務局よりアンケート依頼
大会に向け、Field Castメンバーを鼓舞する言葉の募集あり、以下のような文言を出しました。

「オリンピック・パラリンピックの誘致は東京がしたはずなのに、大会に対する世間の風当たりは強いです。でも、多くのアスリートが厳しい練習に耐えて頑張ってきたのは、この日のためです。選手たちにエールを届けられるように、笑顔でField Castの活動を楽しみましょう。エールの輪が、日本中、世界中に広がり、皆が「最高だった」と思える大会になりますように!」

⑮2021.07.20 組織委員会 張メッセBホール(MMB)会場担当からVRTMボランティア宛てメールの抜粋/ 大会が無観客開催となったため、観客対応関連などで役割が無くなった方の一部が、急遽VRTMチームに入ったり、コロナ対応で、現場が大変そうな気がしました。

■トレーニング(研修)日時 7月22日(木) 9:30~16:30
みなさまにご依頼する「Venue Result Team Member」は
別途ご案内のとおり、VRTM(Venue Result Team Member)フィールドキャストのみなさまには、


Currently, Typhoon No. 8 is heading for the Kanto region.
But considering the power of the typhoon and competition schedule, the competition will be held at Makuhari Messe as scheduled, including the 27th.
In addition, your volunteer activities will be on schedule.

" Long umbrellas are not allowed. Please use a folding umbrella."
However, due to a subsequent plan change, Makuhari Messe is now able to bring in long umbrellas.」

⑰2021.08.09 TOKYO 2020 組織委員会 武藤事務総長からのメッセージ・メール






Tokyo 2020組織委員会
事務総長 武藤 敏郎


Dear Field Cast members,

The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 has finally come to an end.
On behalf of the Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your helpful contribution and support to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

As a Tokyo 2020 CEO myself, I went to many of the venues during Games-time. At each venue, I witnessed your smiles and faithful volunteer activity performed even in the hot environmental conditions, which impressed and encouraged me strongly.

The Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 could not have been a success without your dedication. Athletes who have gathered for the Games from all over the world have also recognized your efforts and have sent us many appreciation messages.

I am hoping that you feel proud of your efforts you have made through your volunteer activity as the invaluable experience and a treasure in your life.
Once again, thank you very much for your commitment to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

Best Wishes,

MUTO Toshiro
CEO of Tokyo 2020」

⑱2021.08.14  事務局から参加証配付案内のメール(抜粋)
《実は8月8日付TOKYO 2020 E-learning Siteに、参加証ダウンロードの案内は出ていたようですが、メールが来るタイミングが遅かったため、ボランティアチームのライングループで嫌な事が起きました。チームの1人が、別チームから参加証を入手できるURLを聞き、親切にもシェアしてくれたので、私はすぐにダウンロードしたのですが、その後「正式なアナウンスがないのだから、真贋不明だし、フィッシングのような詐欺に引っ掛かったのでは?」とコメントをする人など出てきて、何日間か真相がわからず、嫌な気分になりました。疑われた人も気の毒でした。》
「こんにちは!Tokyo 2020フィールドキャスト運営事務局です。
ダウンロード方法につきましては、E-learningページにログインの上、トップページ「Field Cast News」からご確認ください。

Greetings! This is TOKYO 2020 Field Cast Office.
In addition to the message of gratitude from Muto Director General/CEO which was sent to you the other day, we Field Cast Office would also like to express our deepest gratitude to you.
◆About a participation certificate
Thank you very much for your participation in Tokyo 2020 Field Cast activities! Participation Certificate is now available online for all stakeholders who have a valid accreditation card. Please refer to “Field Cast News” on the top page of E-learning site regarding how to download the certificate.
The service is available until 23 August 2021.」

⑲2021. xxxxxx


Tokyo organizers say 10,000 prospective volunteers have pulled out
(June 03, 2021/ The japan News/ The Yomiuri Shimbun/ original article)

The Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games have lost more than 10% of their prospective volunteers with less than two months to go before the opening ceremony, the organizing committee said on Wednesday.

About 10,000 of the 80,000 volunteers to be stationed at venues and other Olympic locations have pulled out, said Toshiro Muto, director general of the organizing committee.

Although they were not asked for specific reasons for their withdrawals, Muto said, “In addition to anxiety about getting infected with the coronavirus, it may have been because of changes in their situation, such as a work transfer in the one year that the Games were postponed.”

When the original operational plan was simplified through such measures as barring foreign spectators, the organizers found that some would be able to handle tasks at both the Olympics and Paralympics, so there is no intention of recruiting more volunteers.

“Even with smaller numbers, it doesn’t have a particular effect on operations,” Muto said.

With the decrease in volunteers, the number of people living in Japan who will be involved in the Games is expected to be about 190,000 for the Olympics and about 110,000 for the Paralympics.

***The rest is omitted.***


My comment on the above article/ Withdrawal of volunteers:

TV commentators of tabloid shows (Waido-show in Japanese) said that the government should take it seriously as such a number of volunteers withdrew. But I thought that their way of thinking was a little bit strange because of the following reasons;

1. 1-year-postponement was so big event that I thought more volunteers would withdraw.

2. On March 24, 2021, the government of Japan and the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee announced that they would
forgo entry to Japan for non-Japanese volunteers (Field Cast members) living outside Japan

3. They already started to accept the withdrawal last May. The above article could give a bad impression to Japanese nationals that many volunteers had suddenly withdrawn.

After this announcement, one of my friends, who tends to be against the cabinet, gave me a comment on line, saying "you would have to work harder as a volunteer due to the shortness of volunteers. The government should reconsider and withdraw from Tokyo Olympics."

She might have got worried about me, but I got in bad mood and checked some on-line news with readers' comments. Soon I found a comment saying, "The volunteers should pull out as soon as possible. If not, they can infect their families, friends and coworkers with COVID-19 They should know they may give bad effects to the others. "
The comment got more than 5,000 "Thumb-up called I-I-Ne in Japanese and it depressed me further more.
I asked my friend not to give comments on Olympics from now on.

I wonder how the athletes encourage themselves in such a tough situation.

*forgo≒give up, stop


E-mails from Tokyo2020 Field Cast Office
 《from May 13, 2020 to   》

 …quotations and just for your information
  ***Some sentences were omitted.***

May 13, 2020

This is the TOKYO2020 Field Cast office.

We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy despite the COVID-19 that has caused many disruptions to daily life.
Given the current circumstances, we see a lot of discussions about how the Tokyo 2020 Games should be organized, but this moment, the entire Tokyo 2020 team is trying to do our best by believing in the Tokyo 2020 Games’success.

■Future Schedule
The postponement of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which was recently announced, will also have an impact on the Field Cast journey as well.
With regard to the schedule for Role Specific Training and the timing of Uniform /Accreditation card pick up, which was originally scheduled to begin in April of 2020, Tokyo 2020 will share the new schedule as soon as they are confirmed.

■Offer (Notification of Role and Venue)
As we announced earlier on the My page in volunteer portal, for Field Cast members whose role and venue have been already determined, we would like you to participate the Games in next year as a Field Cast member with the same role and venue as previously offered.
For those who would like to join as a Field Cast in 2021, no further actions are required but for those who find it difficult to continue in your volunteer journey given the Games postponement, we will ask you to withdraw from the journey. The details on how to do this will be provided at a later date
(you can also withdraw now by clicking “Withdraw” button at this time from My page).
Finally, after we posted a notification about the completion of sending the offers on My page, we received some requests from Field Cast members who would like to participate in both the Olympic and the Paralympic Games and received one offer only (for either the Olympic or Paralympic period).
We are very grateful that a lot of members wish to be involved in both the Games, but unfortunately, we have not been able to meet all of the requests since the number of opportunities are limited. However,
there is a possibility that we will send additional offers to existing Field Cast members if there are many withdrawals in the future because of the Games postponement.

Furthermore, we would like to make the opportunity to have your thoughts by conducting questionnaire in the near future.
Thank you and we wish you continued good health and success.

We are very much looking forward to making the Games success in Summer, 2021!

July 1, 2020

As we have communicated previously, those who received this email are invited to join the Games next year as a Field Cast member.
Normally, we would be meeting all of you at role specific training and venue specific training at this time but we regret that we are not able to see you in person due to the current circumstances.

Therefore, we are conducting a “Field Cast Questionnaire” to listen to your voices and thoughts. Answering the questionnaire is not mandatory; please don’t worry if you don’t submit a response, it will not affect your future participation.

April 23, 2021

This is TOKYO 2020 Field Cast Office, and we are announcing about your shift.
Your shift is available on My Page.
Please visit My Page and
make sure to “accept” your shift by May 12, if you have no problem with it.

■About shifts 
The shift we are sending this time is based on the role and venue you have already accepted, however, there is a possibility that the number of your activity days does not match the one you selected when applying.

In the case that you received a shift which exceeds your selected the number of activity days, you will be able to exclude up to 11 days from the shift schedule for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, respectively, and then “accept”.

・Please be advised that once you have accepted your shift schedule, you cannot delete the shift or change your shift schedule.
In principle, Field Cast members are expected to engage in volunteer activities for more than 10 days during and/or around the period of the Games, whether in the case of the Olympic Games or the Paralympic Games.
the total number of days may be less than 10 days, depending on the competition schedule, activity details, venue, and other factors. Even in that case, there is no problem.)

・Field Cast members for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games will receive two notifications on their shift schedule, one each for the respective Games.
(Field Cast members registered for both the Olympic and Paralympic Games will, in principle, engage in volunteering activities for more than 20 days in total, 10 or more days each for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.)

・When accepting your shift schedule, make sure you are not signed up for six or more consecutive days.
You can join up to five days in a row)

・If you have accepted more than one Role and Venue offer, you may receive more than one shift schedule. In this case, you will need to wait for all your shift schedules to arrive before you can accept them. For more detailed information, please read “Points to note in accepting shifts for those who have accepted offers in multiple roles and venues” which is located on the last page of the manual.

■How to accept your Shift Schedule
Follow the three steps below on your “My Page” to accept the shift schedule.

1. Check your shift schedule.
2. Exclude up to 11 days that are inconvenient for you.
3. Accept your shift schedule.
Deadline to accept: Wednesday, May 12, 2021

■About future shift adjustment
It is possible that we will send a message to you from the following email address after adjusting or adding your shift schedule based on the accepted integration shift data.
The shift once you accepted cannot be changed or canceled, which means our call center will not be able to deal with it. However, there are opportunities that you will discuss your shift with a person in charge of your role or venue before your shift actually starts.

■About future schedule
We will send you an announcement to pick up your uniform in the order in which you have "accepted" your shift.
The announcement for those who will participate in the Paralympic only will be sent after July.

Lastly, we are preparing every day for the Olympic and Paralympic that will be held in 2021. We sincerely look forward to seeing you all soon!

As mentioned in the email of March 24, the government of Japan and the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee have regretfully come to the conclusion that
we have to forgo entry to Japan for non-Japanese volunteers (Field Cast members) living outside Japan. Unfortunately, we respectfully request foreign national Field Cast members living outside Japan to take the necessary procedures online to discontinue their participation as a volunteer. If you are impacted by this situation, please log in to My Pageto complete the necessary procedure.
*forgo=~を差し控える、~をなしで済ます(do without)

May 7, 2021

We are pleased to inform you that we have prepared uniforms and accreditation card that will serve as your ID card during your activities in TOKYO 2020. This is the information regarding your visiting UAC to receive those items.

■Venue for receiving Field Cast uniforms and Accreditation card/
Request for your reservation

The venues for receiving uniforms and accreditation card will be the "Uniform- Accreditation Centre (UAC)" in Tokyo, and 6 satellite venues in Hokkaido, Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Shizuoka.

Please select and make your reservation for visiting from these venues beforehand.

The location of each venue and the open period are as follows.

Please note that the open period will be different from venue to venue.


Please check the following process for reservation.
■How to reserve
1.Please open the log-in page for "My Page" for Tokyo 2020 volunteers

The length of a reservation slot is 1 hour, so please select your desired time slot.
Deadline for your reservations is four days prior to the day of your visit.
Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations will not be possible when the capacity is filled, so please make it as early as you can.
Please note that if you do not receive your Uniform & Accreditation Card, you will not be able to participate as a Field Cast. In addition, please note that you will not be allowed to receive the uniforms by proxy.

■How to confirm completion of your reservation
Log-in to "My Page" for Tokyo2020 Games Volunteers then click "See all my activities" on the "on the "My Activities "page.

■Reservation slot
The length of a reservation slot is 1 hour. Please come at your preferred time in your reservation slot.

For those who have reserved the last reservation slot of each day, please note that the reception will end 30 minutes after the start of last reservation start time of the day.

■Expected Length of receiving Accreditation Card and Uniforms
Approx. 30 to 60 minutes.
Please note that it may be different depending on the situation of congestion on the day.

■<Important> Notice before visiting
You will be provided with Field Cast card that charges the equivalent of transportation expenses. Please be sure to check the Accreditation Terms and Field Cast Card Terms of Use before visiting.
And Please note that if you do not agree to these terms, Accreditation Card and Fieldcast Card will not be handed over to you.
You are deemed to have agreed to receive these cards.

■Procedure of the day
1.At the Accreditation Card Reception:
On your smartphone, click "See all my activities" displayed in "My activities" on My Page, and present the barcode displayed at the bottom of the screen. Alternatively, please print it out and bring it with you.
2.Issuance / receipt of accreditation card.
3.Receiving uniforms, etc.

■Requests and countermeasures against COVID 19
As a countermeasure against new coronavirus infectious diseases, please check the following and cooperate in receiving uniforms and accreditation card.

・Request for receiving uniforms and Accreditation Card.
If you have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher or if you are not feeling well on the day, please refrain from coming to the venue.
Please note that if fever is confirmed when the temperature is measured at the admission in venue, you will have to make a reservation for another visit later.
Also, please wear a facemask and keep appropriate physical distance at the venue.
If it turns out that you have been infected with Covid 19 in the timing of your visiting UAC, please contact the TOKYO 2020 Field Cast Office to inform.

・Measures by Tokyo 2020
All staff to wear facemask. Bottles of disinfectant to be prepared in the venue.
In consideration of physical distance, the waiting line will have an interval of 1m or more, and an acrylic board will be installed at the check-in / out counter.
Ventilation to be carried out in a timely manner.

Thank you for your kind attention to the above points.

It's finally the time for XX-san to receive the uniform-symbol of Tokyo 2020 games.

We are really looking forward to the day when you field casts paint cities by your uniforms.
And we are eargerly awaiting to meet smiling of XX-san. See you soon!

May 27, 2021

Hello! This is TOKYO 2020 Field Cast Office.

From this month, distribution of the uniform & accreditation card has finally begun!

As for receiving your uniform, etc., we are sending an email in order on making an appointment to pick up your uniform and accreditation card, etc. to those who have accepted the shift. Please wait for the email, including those of you who have not received it yet but accepted your shift.

For you curious about and excited to receiving your uniform and other items, let us share the report of the opening day of Uniform and Accreditation Center (UAC)! The Nippon Foundation Volunteer Support Center reports the flow of receiving the uniform and interviews of Field Cast. Please check it out from E-learning site.

【How to log in E-learning site】
1. httpsXXX
2. Enter user ID and Password
 User ID: XXX
 Password: Password you have set
If you forgot your password, you can reset from “Forgot your password? Click here for help” on the log in page.
3. Click “Let us know! series【Uniform&Training】,【Uniform Accreditation Center Report】” in “Field Cast News” on the top page.

◆Next content◆
The next interview article will be uploaded in mid-June, the topic will be “countermeasures against the heat” and “countermeasures against infectious diseases”.

◆Useful information◆
The Nippon Foundation Volunteer Support Center posts the information about “online trainings in June” and “Microsoft Teams connection test”.
You can see the detailed information “Tips” in E-learning site.

Venue-specific training will finally start from next month. We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

June 11, 2021

Dear Field Cast of Technology Service

We hope this mail find you well.
With less than 50 days to go until the Games time, The Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee is accelerating towards the actual Games!
We are looking forward to seeing you at the Tokyo 2020 Games!

You are going to receive from us from now on several subjects and please be sure to include your registration number and the name of the venue in the title of the email you send back.

The other day, the FieldCast Management Office sent out shift announcements for everyone.

To those of you who have accepted your shifts, thank you for being so quick to accept!
We are now updating the shift arrangement and may re-offer the shift to you.
If you are kindly pick up your available time than your original shift, please let us know by replying to this email. Yours are coming by 18 pm on 16th June, Wednesday, please.

To those of you who have not yet accepted, please kindly check your shift offer and proceed the accepting procedure. The next due is by 18 pm on 16th June, Wednesday.

Please understand the distribution of your uniform and your accreditation card would be according to the acceptance of the shift.
If, unfortunately, it is difficult for you to participate as a volunteer, you may withdraw from the volunteer program.
Please refer to the following URL for detailed instructions on how to decline.

You would have trainings and or rehearsal for the games before the games time.
We sincerely look forward to seeing you all there!

The Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee
Tokyo 2020 TEC Field Cast Support Team


 《Jun 11, 2021》


1. Give an account of what you did at work today.
2. Compare your company or product with two other companies or products.
3. Describe a process at your work, the order in which things are done and why they are done in this way

My answer written on Jun 11, 2021
I chose 1.

I am making YouTube videos for English learners now. My new video is to show how to use the verb "have" for beginners.

I started to make a draft several days ago. Today I made about 10 pages using Power Point.
At first I made basic sentences, such as affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences, which are useful for daily conversations
Next I colored subjects red and verbs blue for learners to understand the grammar easily.
I also made the list of useful words and phrases such as "have a cat" "have dinner".
Then I gave the sentences and the list some effects like animation. It took time.

To tell the truth I wanted to record my voice accompanying the animation today, but I failed because It took too much time to make animation.

I want to record my voice, complete the video and upload it on YouTube within a few days.

I hope my students and English learners would enjoy my video.







記録の要となる機材は、すべてワールドワイド パートナーであるスイスのOMEGA製で、オメガから多くの外国人スタッフが派遣されていることが、会場に外国人が多い理由のようでした。


The venue was much larger than I had expected. The preparations for the event were progressing steadily. A lot of devices and equipment were brought in and installed with so many colorful cables here and there. Many foreigners were busy working and one of them told us that the number of cables used to be much more. I almost got sucked into the atmosphere.

On the day before and two days before the actual performance, we are supposed to learn how to deal with the devices. It will take about 14 to 15 hours and they say the lecture will be given in English.

A Japanese woman who participated with me said that she is not good at English and she doesn't have a selfconfidence to handle the work. She also said that she didn't know why she was chosen for the role. None of us know the reason.

The key equipment was all made by OMEGA in Switzerland, a worldwide partner of Tokyo Olympics, and the large number of foreign staff were dispatched by OMEGA. That's why there were so many foreigners in the venue, I think.

I heard that Panasonic in Japan is in charge of monitors and NTT is in charge of communications. In the past, Seiko, a Japanese company, was in charge of the key equipment showing the time on record boards with its logotype. I used to be proude of it, but is this a thing of the past? Where has Japan, a country with good old technology, gone???.

(2021/07/12 読売新聞)


東京オリンピック きょうの見どころ









