History (歴史)/ 渋沢栄一  戻る

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渋沢栄一/ 資料/ 英文

渋沢栄一/ 資料/ 日本語文


日本の資本主義の父: 渋沢栄一 
 Shibusawa Eiichi: Father of Japanese Capitalism

渋沢栄一/ 資料/ 英文

Shibusawa Eiichi, 1st Viscount Shibusawa (渋沢 栄一, March 16, 1840 – November 11, 1931) was a Japanese industrialist widely known today as the "father of Japanese capitalism". He spearheaded the introduction of Western capitalism to Japan after the Meiji Restoration. He introduced many economic reforms including use of double entry accounting, joint stock corporations and modern note-issuing banks.

He founded the first modern bank based on joint stock ownership in Japan. The bank was aptly named The First National Bank (Dai Ichi Kokuritsu Ginkō, now merged into Mizuho Bank) and had the power to issue its own notes. Through this bank, he founded hundreds of other joint stock corporations in Japan. Many of these companies still survive to this day as quoted companies in the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which Shibusawa also founded. The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded by him as well. He was also involved in the foundation of many hospitals, schools, universities (including the first women's university), the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo and charitable organizations including the Japan Red Cross.

Another notable aspect of Shibusawa's career is that, despite being the founder of hundreds of corporations, he refused to maintain a controlling stake in these corporations, effectively preventing himself from forming a zaibatsu. What is known as the Shibusawa zaibatsu was a holding company to look after his estate for his family. The Shibusawa Zaibatsu did not hold any controlling stake in any companies. Despite his lowly origin as a farmer, he was granted the title of Viscount, while all other zaibatsu founders were awarded the title of Baron. He was also awarded Shōnii, Second Honour under the ritsuryō rank system, which is usually given to high-ranking nobility and prime ministers.


Shibusawa was born on March 16, 1840 in a farmhouse in Chiaraijima (located in the present-day city of Fukaya, Saitama prefecture). As a boy, he learned reading and writing from his father. He grew up helping with the family business of dry field farming, indigo production and sale, and silk raising and later studied the Confucian classics and the history of Japan under Odaka Junchu, a scholar who was his cousin.

Under the influence of sonnō jōi (expel the barbarians; revere the emperor) sentiment, he formulated a plan along with cousins and friends to capture Takasaki Castle and set fires in the foreign settlement in Yokohama. Ultimately, however, this plan was canceled and he moved on to Kyoto.

Shibusawa left his hometown at the age of twenty-three, and entered the service of Hitotsubashi Yoshinobu (then in line for the position of shogun). He distinguished himself by his work in strengthening the household finances of the Hitotsubashi family.

When he was twenty-seven years old, he visited France and other European countries as a member of Tokugawa Akitake's Delegation to the Paris World Exposition. In this trip Shibusawa observed modern European societies and cultures for the first time, and realized the importance of industrial and economic development.

After returning from Europe at the news of the change of governments now known as the Meiji Restoration, he established the Shōhō Kaishō, one of the first joint stock companies in Japan, in Shizuoka prefecture. Afterwards, he was invited by the Meiji government to become a member of the Ministry of Finance, where he became a driving force in the building of a modern Japan as head of the Kaisei Kakari, or office of the Ministry of Finance in charge of reform.

In 1873 Shibusawa resigned from the Ministry of Finance and became the president of the Dai-Ichi Kokuritsu Ginkō (lit. "First National Bank"). This was Japan's first modern bank, established under his own guidance while still employed by the Ministry of Finance. With this bank as a base, Shibusawa devoted himself to founding and encouraging businesses of all sorts.

Shibusawa was an advocate throughout his life of the idea that good ethics and business should be in harmony. The number of enterprises in which he was involved as founder or supporter is said to exceed 500, and includes Mizuho Financial Group, The 77 Bank, Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Imperial Hotel, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Tokyo Gas, Toyobo, Keihan Electric Railway, Taiheiyo Cement, Oji Paper Company, Sapporo Breweries, and NYK Line. Moreover, he spearheaded many works for the betterment of society, and was an enthusiastic supporter of education, especially higher education in the field of business such as current Hitotsubashi University and current Tokyo Keizai University, higher education for women, and private schools. Shibusawa involved himself in some 600 projects related to education, social welfare, and others.

In addition, Shibusawa made efforts to promote exchange of goods and goodwill across national boundaries through private-sector diplomacy. Numerous guests from overseas visited the Shibusawa residence in Asukayama, where they talked candidly with him.

Having lived through a time of great change and having stood personally in the vanguard of change in a new era, Shibusawa died at the age of ninety-one on November 11, 1931.

Shibusawa Memorial Museum

The Shibusawa Memorial Museum collects and displays documents and artifacts from the life of Shibusawa Eiichi, a leader in business and finance who fostered the growth and development of the modern Japanese economy. Throughout his life he advocated for the harmony of morality and economy; playing an important role not only in the business world but in the fields of social welfare, education and private-sector diplomacy as well.

Adjoining the main museum building is the tranquil Old Shibusawa Garden. The garden and two structures of the original Shibusawa estate, the Bankoro Cottage and the Seien Bunko Library, date from the Taisho era (1912-26) and both buildings have been designated as Important Cultural Properties by the Japanese government.

The Seien Bunko and Bankoro will be open to the public on Saturdays from 12:30 to 3:45pm.

渋沢栄一/ 資料/ 日本語文













5年(1916年)に『論語と算盤』を著し、「道徳経済合一説」という理念を打ち出した。幼少期に学んだ『論語』を拠り所に倫理と利益の両立を掲げ、経済を発展させ、利益を独占するのではなく、国全体を豊かにする為に、富は全体で共有するものとして社会に還元することを説くと同時に自身にも心がけた。 『論語と算盤』にはその理念が端的に次のように述べられている。







1879(明治12)年8月25日(月) (39歳) 渋沢栄一、明治天皇臨幸によるグラント将軍歓迎会で、御臨幸委員総代を務める 【『渋沢栄一伝記資料』第25巻掲載】
7月3日 是日、アメリカ前大統領ユーリシーズ・シムプソン・グラント将軍(General Ulysses Simpson Grant)入京す。栄一東京接待委員総代の一人として之を新橋駅に迎ふ。
8月5日 是日栄一、グラント将軍を飛鳥山邸に請じて午餐会を催す。
8月25日 是日、東京府民は上野公園に明治天皇の臨幸を仰ぎ、又グラント将軍夫妻を招請す。栄一御臨幸委員総代として斡旋す。

Ulysses. S. Grant /ユリスィーズ・エス・グラント

The American Civil War (アメリカの南北戦争)was a civil war fought from 1861 to 1865, to determine the survival of the United States of America as it defeated the bid for independence by the breakaway Confederate States of America. Among the 34 states in January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the U.S. and formed the Confederate States of America. War broke out in April 1861 when they attacked a U.S. fortress, Fort Sumter, and ended with the surrender of all the Confederate armies in spring 1865.

Grant confronted Robert E. Lee in a series of bloody battles, trapping Lee's army in their defense of Richmond. Grant coordinated a series of devastating campaigns in other theaters. In April 1865, Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, effectively ending the war.

After his second term in office ended in 1877, Ulysses S. Grant began his post-presidential life with a two-year tour that took him and his wife and entourage around the world.

Leaving Hong Kong, the Grants entered China proper, seeing the cities of Canton, Shanghai, and Peking. He declined to request an interview with the Guangxu Emperor, a child of seven, but did speak with the head of government, Prince Gong, and Li Hongzhang, a leading general.[13] They discussed China's dispute with Japan over the Ryukyu Islands, and Grant agreed to help bring the two sides to agreement.[14] After crossing over to Japan and meeting the Emperor Meiji, Grant convinced China to acquiesce in Japanese annexation of the islands, and the two nations avoided war.[15]



