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 Shimazu Nariakira,
Second in popularity to Saigo-san?
リンクShimazu Nariakira, Second in popularity to Saigo-san?

① Preface /序文


Second in popularity to Saigo-san? Shimazu Nariakira

③ Google自動翻訳

④ 西郷さんに次ぐ人気? 島津斉彬

Blog マッキーの旅行記・島津斉彬・西郷隆盛ゆかりの地 in 鹿児島
My Blog: Lands associated with Shimazu Nariakira and Saigo Takamori

外部リンクウィキペディア/ 島津斉彬

外部リンクWikipedia/ Shimazu Nariakira ←English Page

外部リンクウィキペディア/ 集成館事業

外部リンクウィキペディア/ 昇平丸

外部リンクウィキペディア/ 鹿児島城 (鶴丸城)

外部リンクウィキペディア/ 照国神社

外部リンク鹿児島県観光サイト/ 島津斉彬 ー歴史トリビア
外部リンク芋焼酎が薩摩の特産品になるまで (伝兵衛蔵だより)
Shimazu Nariakira, Second in popularity to Saigo-san?

When I visited Kagoshima for the first time in August 2022, I was very surprised to find that the person who is as popular as Saigo-san was Shimazu Nariakira. I knew that Saigo-san, Saigo Takamori, whose statue with his pet dog is in Ueno Park, was very popular among the people of Kagoshima, but I've never imagined Nariakira, a former load of Satsuma (an old name of Kagoshima), is so popular there.

Why was Nariakira Shimazu so popular? I have summarized the information I saw and heard in Kagoshima and gathered on the Internet. I wish you would be interested in reading this article.

Who is Shimazu Nariakira?

Shimazu Nariakira, the famous lord of Satsuma Domain (Kagoshima) at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, became the 11th lord of Satsuma Domain in 1851 after Oyura's disturbance at the age of 43. (Oyura's disturbance was a succession dispute over the successor to Shimazu Narioki, the former lord of the domain. It was caused by a conflict between a faction that wanted to make his concubine, Oyura's son, Shimazu Hisamitsu, the lord of the domain, and vassals who wanted Shimazu Nariakira, his legitimate son, to succeed to the domain. It led to great confusion.)
It is well known that he actively promoted young people from low-class families, such as Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi, who played a leading role in the Meiji Restoration.

At that time the Western powers had been colonizing various parts of Asia. For example, the Qing Kingdom, which was the largest power in the East, was defeated in the Opium War (1839-42). They concluded a peace treaty (Nanjing Treaty) saying Hong Kong Island was ceded to the United Kingdom.
Therefore, Nariakira decided to modernize his military armaments to counter the West and worked hard to enrich and strengthen the Satsuma domain.

When Nariakira became the lord of the Satsuma Domain, he embarked on the Shuseikan Project which he had warmed up to for many years. His plan was to build Asia's first modern Western-style factory complex, and he ordered the clearing of bamboo thickets at the back of the Shimazu family's villa to secure the site. It is Iso district of Kagoshima City now.

First, they built a steel plant (a reverberatory furnace) to make large cannons, so that they could defeat foreign troops if they were attacked. The site is still preserved in Sengan-en, the Shimazu family's second residence.

First Western-style warship construction in Japan

In Japan of the Edo period, the construction of large ships was prohibited, so the technology for building ocean-going ships was scarce, but Nariakira, who thought that Western-style warships were necessary, submitted a request to the shogunate in February 1853 to build Western-style warships under the pretext of defending the Ryukyu Kingdom, which was under the protection of Satsuma at the time.

As there was the technology to build ocean-going ships for tribute to China in the Ryukyu Kingdom, officials of the Ryukyu royal government were also invited to build the Japan's first Western-style warship, "The 'Ryukyu artillery ship', later 'Shohei Maru'.

During this period, Perry's arrival at Uraga (July 1853) led to the lifting of the ban on the construction of large ships in October 1853.

The Shōhei Maru was 27 meters long and 7 meters wide, had three mast ships, and was equipped with 10 cannons.

《Launched in April 1854 and completed in January 1855.
In March, she leves Kagoshima for Edo.
In May, Shimazu Nariakira boards the ship to test firing a cannon.
In July, Tokugawa Nariaki and Tokugawa Yoshinobu of Mito Domain board the ship and conduct a shooting operation.
It is presented to the shogunate in September 1855.》

Birth of Satsuma Shochu Alcohol

Modernization of armaments required a large amount of ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol was obtained in the process of distilling rice shochu, but using rice was very expensive, and there was a shortage of food for the common people.

Therefore, he tried to mass-produce ethyl alcohol by producing sweet potatoes that grow well on the Shirasu Plateau in Kagoshima, which was said to be unsuitable for rice cultivation because it is made up with the layers of volcanic ash.

He continued to use this sweet potato shochu for military purposes, but eventually ordered improvements in the production method so that it could also be used for drinking. This led to the spread of sweet potato shochu from Satsuma to all over the country as a beverage.

I was very surprised to learn that Imo Shochu, which is still very famous, would not have been born without Nariakira.

Contribution to enriching Satsuma

Nariakira not only wanted to build a strong army to prevent Japan from being invaded by foreign countries, but also wanted to trade with foreign countries on an equal footing and make Japan a rich country.

Nariakira had his eye on European glassware imported from Nagasaki at the time. By adding techniques unique to the Japanese, who are dexterous with their hands, they succeeded in producing more artistic colored cut glass called Satsuma Kiriko.
In addition, Nariakira introduced new foreign techniques to the Satsuma clan's pottery making techniques, and completed Satsuma-yaki with vivid painting.

Both Satsuma Kiriko and Satsuma Ware were high value-added arts and crafts that had the potential to bring high profits to Japan in anticipation of future Japanese trade with foreign countries.
In fact, in the Meiji era, Satsuma ware was traded at a high price in Europe under the brand name "SATSUMA".

It is surprising that the creator of Satsuma kiriko and Satsuma ware was also Nariakira.

When Nariakira saw the yarn made in a European factory one day, he felt that if so many fine yarns were made by machines, the Japanese yarn made by hand was no match. He then developed a machine that spins yarn using a water wheel as power.
He was willing to adopt new technologies developed in Europe, such as making the first gas light in Japan, telegraphy, printing, and photography, and succeeded in developing them through repeated experiments.

Nariakira was a man who thought about and actually acted on how to enrich the lives of his people by mixing the traditional culture of the Japanese with new technologies imported from abroad.

At that time, the Saga domain and other parts of Japan were undergoing modern industrialization, but Nariakira's Shuseikan project was different from other domains in that it involved a wide range of projects, not only increasing military power but also encouraging new industry.

In the end

Nariakira died in 1858 (Ansei 5), before Japan entered the turmoil period at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, but his broad vision and advanced nature were so remarkable that he was said to be second to none among the feudal lords.

Kagoshima Castle (Tsurumaru Castle) was burned down in 1874 (Meiji 7), but the Kagoshima Prefectural Historical Records Center, Reimeikan, was built on the Honmaru (the main closure of the castle) ruins, and the Kagoshima Prefectural Library, Kagoshima City Museum of Art, Kagoshima Prefectural Museum, etc. were built on the Ninomaru (the second bailey) ruins.
Remnants include a stone wall, a moat, the remains of Demaru, the former site of Saigo Takamori's private school, and a stone bridge that spans the Otemon Gate.
The stone wall of the private school has many bullet holes that are said to have been inflicted during the Civil War called Seinan War.

The Otemon gate was restored by the Tsurumaru Castle Goroumon Restoration Committee and opened to the public in 2020 (Reiwa 2).

Right next to the ruins of Kagoshima Castle, there is a Terukuni Shrine with a large torii gate as a landmark, and its deity is Shimazu Nariakira, to my astonishment.

Japan's first photograph:

In 1848, Nariakira obtained the first daguerreotype camera ever imported into Japan, and ordered his retainers to study it and produce working photographs.
Due to the limitations of the lens used and the lack of formal training, it took many years for a quality photograph to be created, but on September 17, 1857, his portrait in formal attire was produced.
That was the year before he died.

This photograph became an object of worship in the Terukuni Shrine, also referred to as Shōkoku Shrine, after his death, but it later went missing.
Lost for a century, the daguerreotype was discovered in a warehouse in 1975 and was later determined to be the oldest daguerreotype in existence created by a Japanese photographer.
For this reason, it was designated an Important Cultural Property by the government of Japan in 1999, the first photograph ever given this honor.

① Preface (序文)




This time I wrote a paper, including an experiment on how useful automatic translation can be.
First, I wrote the article about Shimazu Nariakira all in Japanese
Next I had "automatic Google Translate app" translate it into English
Then I rewraote it into easy-to-read English.
(②). I just corrected strange parts and tenses using a handy Mirai Translate app.

In conclusion, if the original Japanese sentence is ambiguous, the automatic translation tends to be a strange English translation, but I've found that if I make the Japanese more concise and retranslate that part again, I get pretty good results. What a convenient time it is!

Compare them if you're interested.

② Second in popularity to Saigo-san? Shimazu Nariakira

When I visited Kagoshima for the first time in August 2022, /I was very surprised
to find /that the person /who is as popular as Saigo-san /was Shimazu Nariakira.
I knew that Saigo-san,
Saigo Takamori, /whose statue with his pet dog is in Ueno Park, /was very popular among the people of Kagoshima, /but I've never imagined/ Nariakira, a former load of Satsuma (an old name of Kagoshima),/ is so popular there.

Why was
Nariakira Shimazu so popular?
I have summarized the information/ I saw and heard
in Kagoshima/ and gathered on the Internet.
I wish /you would be interested in reading this article.


Who is Shimazu Nariakira?

Shimazu Nariakira, the famous lord of Satsuma Domain (Kagoshima) at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate,/ became the 11th lord of Satsuma Domain in 1851/ after Oyura's disturbance/ at the age of 43.
(Oyura's disturbance was a succession dispute/ over the successor to Shimazu Narioki,/ the former lord of the domain.
It was caused by a conflict/ between a faction/ that wanted to make his concubine, Oyura's son, Shimazu Hisamitsu,/ the lord of the domain,/ and vassals/ who wanted Shimazu Nariakira, his legitimate son,/ to succeed to the domain.
It led to great confusion.)
It is well known/ that he actively promoted young people/
from low-class families, such as Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi,/ who played a leading role in the Meiji Restoration.

At that time/ the Western powers had been colonizing various parts of Asia.
For example,/ the Qing Kingdom,/ which was the largest power in the East,/ was defeated in the Opium War (1839-42).
They concluded a peace treaty (Nanjing Treaty)/ saying Hong Kong Island was ceded to the United Kingdom.
Therefore,/ Nariakira decided to modernize his military armaments/ to counter the West/ and
worked hard/ to enrich and strengthen the Satsuma domain.
*Qing=ン=清国 (中国最後の王朝1644-1912)
*cede=スィードゥ=(権利・領土など)を割譲する(concede, give up to)

When Nariakira became the lord of the Satsuma Domain,// he embarked on the Shuseikan Project/ which he had warmed up to/ for many years.
His plan was to build Asia's first modern Western-style factory complex,// and
he ordered the clearing of bamboo thickets/ at the back of the Shimazu family's villa/ to secure the site.
It is Iso district of Kagoshima City now.
*warm up to=(仕事など)に熱中する
*secure the site=場所を確保する

First,/ they built a steel plant (a reverberatory furnace)/ to make large cannons,/ so that they could defeat foreign troops/ if they were attacked.
The site is still preserved in Sengan-en,/ the Shimazu family's second residence.


First Western-style warship construction in Japan

In Japan of the Edo period,/ the construction of large ships was prohibited,// so the technology for building ocean-going ships/ was scarce,// but Nariakira,/ who thought that Western-style warships were necessary, /submitted a request to the shogunate in February 1853/ to build Western-style warships/ under the pretext of defending the Ryukyu Kingdom,/ which was under the protection of Satsuma at the time.

As there was the technology/ to build ocean-going ships for tribute to China in the Ryukyu Kingdom,/ officials of the Ryukyu royal government were also invited/ to build the Japan's first Western-style warship, / "The 'Ryukyu artillery ship',/ later 'Shohei Maru'.
*artillery=アーティらリィ=大砲 (cannon=昔の大砲、gun=個々の大砲)

During this period,/ Perry's arrival at Uraga (July 1853)/ led to the lifting of the ban/ on the construction of large ships in October 1853.

The Shōhei Maru was 27 meters long and 7 meters wide, /had three mast ships,/ and was equipped with 10 cannons.

《Launched in April 1854 and completed in January 1855.
In March, she leves Kagoshima for Edo.
In May, Shimazu Nariakira boards the ship to test firing a cannon.
In July, Tokugawa Nariaki and Tokugawa Yoshinobu of Mito Domain/ board the ship and conduct a shooting operation.
It is presented to the shogunate in September 1855.》
《↑歴史上の事柄、年表(a Chronological table)については現在時制》

Birth of Satsuma Shochu Alcohol

Modernization of armaments/ required a large amount of ethyl alcohol.
Ethyl alcohol was obtained/ in the process of distilling rice shochu, //but using rice was very expensive,/ and there was a shortage of food for the common people.

Therefore,/ he tried to mass-produce ethyl alcohol/ by producing sweet potatoes/ that grow well on the Shirasu Plateau in Kagoshima, /which was said to be unsuitable for rice cultivation/ because it is made up with the layers of volcanic ash.

He continued to use this sweet potato shochu/ for military purposes, /but eventually ordered improvements in the production method/ so that it could also be used for drinking.
This led to the spread of sweet potato shochu/ from Satsuma to all over the country/ as a beverage.

I was very surprised to learn/ that Imo Shochu,/ which is still very famous,/ would not have been born without Nariakira.

Contribution to enriching Satsuma

Nariakira not only wanted to build a strong army/ to prevent Japan from being invaded by foreign countries, /but also wanted to trade with foreign countries/ on an equal footing/ and make Japan a rich country.

Nariakira had his eye on European glassware/ imported from Nagasaki at the time.
By adding techniques unique to the Japanese, /who are dexterous with their hands,/ they succeeded in producing more artistic colored cut glass/ called Satsuma Kiriko.

In addition,/ Nariakira introduced new foreign techniques/ to the Satsuma clan's pottery making techniques,/ and completed Satsuma-yaki/ with vivid painting.

Both Satsuma Kiriko and Satsuma Ware/ were high value-added arts and crafts/ that had the potential to bring high profits to Japan/ in anticipation of future Japanese trade with foreign countries.
In fact,/ in the Meiji era,/ Satsuma ware was traded at a high price in Europe/ under the brand name "SATSUMA".
*in anticipation of =~を予期して、見越して

It is surprising/ that the creator of Satsuma kiriko and Satsuma ware/ was also Nariakira.

When Nariakira saw the yarn/ made in a European factory one day,// he felt /that if so many fine yarns were made by machines,/ the Japanese yarn made by hand /was no match.
He then developed a machine/ that spins yarn/ using a water wheel as power.
He was willing to adopt new technologies/ developed in Europe, /such as making the first gas light in Japan,/ telegraphy, printing, and photography,/and succeeded in developing them /through repeated experiments.
*be no match≒be not competitive=競争力がない

Nariakira was a man/ who thought about and actually acted on/ how to enrich the lives of his people/ by mixing the traditional culture of the Japanese with new technologies/ imported from abroad.

At that time,/ the Saga domain and other parts of Japan/ were undergoing modern industrialization,// but Nariakira's Shuseikan project/ was different from other domains/ in that it involved a wide range of projects,/ not only increasing military power/ but also encouraging new industry.

《↑この部分は「みらい翻訳」無料ソフトを使用/ 通じる英語にになりました。》

In the end

Nariakira died in 1858 (Ansei 5), /before Japan entered the turmoil period at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate,// but
his broad vision and advanced nature/ were so remarkable/ that he was said to be second to none/ among the feudal lords.

Kagoshima Castle (Tsurumaru Castle) was burned down in 1874 (Meiji 7), /but the Kagoshima Prefectural Historical Records Center, Reimeikan,/ was built on the Honmaru (the main closure of the castle) ruins, /and the Kagoshima Prefectural Library, Kagoshima City Museum of Art, Kagoshima Prefectural Museum, etc./ were built on the Ninomaru (the second bailey) ruins.
Remnants include a stone wall, a moat, the remains of Demaru,/ the former site of Saigo Takamori's private school,/ and a stone bridge/ that spans the Otemon Gate.
The stone wall of the private school/ has many bullet holes/ that are said to have been inflicted/ during the Civil War called Seinan War.

The Otemon gate was restored by the Tsurumaru Castle Goroumon Restoration Committee/ and opened to the public in 2020 (Reiwa 2).

Right next to the ruins of Kagoshima Castle,/ there is a Terukuni Shrine with a large torii gate as a landmark,/ and its deity is Shimazu Nariakira, /to my astonishment.

Japan's first photograph:
《↓This part is from Wikipedia in English. What surprised me was the finer details than the Japanese ones.》

In 1848,/ Nariakira obtained the first daguerreotype camera/ ever imported into Japan, /and ordered his retainers/ to study it and produce working photographs.
Due to the limitations of the lens used/ and the lack of formal training,/ it took many years/ for a quality photograph to be created,/ but on September 17, 1857,/ his portrait in formal attire/ was produced.
That was the year/ before he died.

This photograph became an object of worship/ in the Terukuni Shrine, /also referred to as Shōkoku Shrine,/ after his death,// but it later went missing.
Lost for a century,/ the daguerreotype was discovered/ in a warehouse in 1975 /and was later determined to be the oldest daguerreotype in existence/ created by a Japanese photographer.
For this reason,/ it was designated an Important Cultural Property/ by the government of Japan in 1999,/ the first photograph ever given this honor.

③ Google自動翻訳

Second only to Saigo-san? Nariaki Shimazu

When I visited Kagoshima for the first time in August 2022, I was very surprised. I knew that Mr. Saigo (Takamori Saigo) was very popular with the people of Kagoshima, but the person who was as popular as Mr. Saigo was Nariaki Shimazu.

Why was Nariaki Shimazu so popular? I have summarized the information I saw and heard on the site and the information I gathered on the Internet, so if you are interested, I hope you will read it.

Who is Nariaki Shimazu?

Shimazu Nariakira, the famous lord of Satsuma Domain at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, became the 11th lord of Satsuma Domain in 1851 at the age of 43 after the Oyura Riots. (The Oyura Riot is a very famous major incident that occurred in a succession dispute over the succession of the previous feudal lord Shimazu Narioki, between a faction that wanted his concubine Shimazu Hisamitsu, son of Oyura, as the lord of the domain, and a vassal who wanted to enfeit the feudal lord of his illegitimate son, Shimazu Nariakira.)
It is well known that Nariaki actively promoted young people born into low-status families, such as Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi, who played a leading role in the Meiji Restoration.

At that time, the Qing Kingdom, which was the largest power in the East in the Opium War (1839~42), was defeated, the peace treaty (Nanjing Treaty) was concluded, Hong Kong Island was ceded to the United Kingdom, and the Western powers were colonizing various parts of Asia.
Therefore, Nariaki decided to modernize his military armaments to counter the West, and devoted himself to the Satsuma Domain's Fukoku Strong Army.

When Nariakira became the lord of the Satsuma Domain, he embarked on the Shuseikan project, which would become Asia's first modern Western-style factory complex that had been warmed up for many years, and began construction of a group of factories centered on the bamboo bush behind the Shimazu family's villa (present-day Iso district of Kagoshima City).

First, we built a steelmaking facility (reverberation furnace) to make a large cannon so that we could defeat foreign armies even if they attacked. The remains are still preserved in Senganen, a separate residence of the Shimazu family.

Construction of the first Western-style warship in Japan

In the Japan of the Edo period, the construction of large ships was prohibited, so the technology for building ocean-going ships was poor, but Nariakira, who thought that Western-style warships were necessary, submitted a request to the shogunate in February 1853 to build Western-style warships in the name of defending the Ryukyu Kingdom, which was under the protection of Satsuma at the time.

In the Ryukyu Kingdom, because of the technology to build ocean-going ships for tribute to China, officials of the Ryukyu royal government were also invited to build the Japan's first Western-style warship ("Ryukyu Cannon Ship", later "Shōhei Maru").
During this period, Perry's arrival at Uraga (July 1853) led to the lifting of the ban on the construction of large ships in October 1853.

The Shohei Maru was a three-masted ship 27 meters long and 7 meters wide, equipped with 10 cannons. Launched in April 1854 and completed in January 1855. In March, she left Kagoshima for Edo.
In May, Nariaki Shimazu boarded the ship to test firing a cannon. JulyTokugawa Nariaki and Tokugawa Yoshiyoshi of Mito board the ship and conduct a shooting operation.
It was presented to the shogunate in September 1855. 》

The birth of Satsuma Shochu

Modernization of armaments requires a large amount of ethyl alcohol. Ethyl alcohol is obtained in the process of distilling rice shochu, but using rice is very expensive, and there is a shortage of food for the common people. Therefore, he tried to mass-produce ethyl alcohol by producing sweet potatoes that grow well on the Shirasu Plateau in Kagoshima, which was said to be unsuitable for rice cultivation.

He will continue to use this sweet potato shochu for military purposes, but eventually orders improvements in the production method so that it can also be used for drinking. This led to the spread of sweet potato shochu from Satsuma to all over the country as a beverage.
I was very surprised to learn that imo shochu, which is still very famous, would not have been born without Narihira.

Contribution to enriching Satsuma

Nariakira not only wanted to build a strong army to prevent Japan from being attacked by foreign countries, but also wanted to trade with foreign countries on an equal footing and make Japan a rich country.
What he noticed was European-made glassware imported from Nagasaki at the time. By adding to this the techniques unique to Japan people who are dexterous with their hands, we have created Satsuma Kiriko, a colored glass with a higher level of artistry.
In addition, Nariakira introduced new overseas techniques to the techniques of making Satsuma clan pottery to complete the brightly painted Satsuma ware.

Both Satsuma kiriko and Satsuma ware are high value-added arts and crafts that have the potential to bring high profits to Japan in anticipation of Japan trading with foreign countries in the future. In fact, in the Meiji era, Satsuma ware was traded at a high price in Europe under the brand name "SATSUMA".
It is surprising that the creator of Satsuma kiriko and Satsuma ware was also Nariakira.

At one point, when he saw yarn made in a factory in Europe, he felt that if such wonderful yarn was made in large quantities by machines, the yarn made by hand would not be Japan possible, so he developed a machine that spun yarn using a water wheel as power. In addition, we made the first gas lamp in Japan, willingly incorporated new technologies developed in Europe, such as telegraphy, printing, and photography, and repeated experiments and succeeded in development.

Qiao was a person who thought about how to enrich the lives of the people by mixing the traditional culture of Japan people with new technologies imported from abroad, and actually took action. At that time, modern industrialization was being promoted in various places such as the Saga Domain Japan, but Nariakira's Shuseikan business was developed in a wide range of businesses, and it was distinguished from other domains in that it not only increased military power but also expanded to the field of cultivation and industry.


Nariaki died in 1858 (Ansei 5), before the Japan entered the turmoil period of the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, but his broad perspective and advancement are said to be unparalleled among feudal lords. It seems that it was outstanding.

Kagoshima Castle (Tsurumaru Castle) was burned down in 1874 (Meiji 7), but the Kagoshima Prefectural Historical Records Center Reimeikan is built on the Honmaru ruins, and the Kagoshima Prefectural Library, Kagoshima City Museum of Art, Kagoshima Prefectural Museum, etc. are built on the Ninomaru ruins.
Remains include stone walls and moats, the remains of Demaru, the site of Saigo Takamori's private school, and the stone bridge between them and Otemon gate.
The stone wall of the private school has many bullet holes that are said to have been inflicted during the Civil War.

The Otemon gate was restored by the Tsurumaru Castle Goroumon Restoration Committee and opened to the public in 2020 (Reiwa 2).

Right next to the ruins of Kagoshima Castle, there is a Terukuni Shrine with a large torii gate as a landmark, and the deity was Shimazu Nariakira.

First photo on Japan:
《↓This article was translated from the English version of Wikipedia →Japanese. I was surprised that it was more detailed than the description on Wikipedia in Japanese》

1848, having obtained the first daguerreotype camera imported to Japan, Qi Bin ordered his vassals to study and produce practical photographs. However, due to the limitations of the lenses used and the lack of formal training, it took a long time to produce high-quality photos. On September 17, 1857, a portrait photograph of Qiu Bin in full dress was produced. It was the year before he died.

This photo became the deity of Terukuni Shrine after Nariakira's death, but was later missing. The daguerreotype, which had been lost for a century, was discovered in a warehouse in 1975 and later turned out to be the oldest surviving daguerreotype created by a Japan photographer. In 1999, the Japan government recognized it as the first photograph and designated it as an important cultural property.

④ 西郷さんに次ぐ人気? 島津斉彬





 幕末きっての名君と名高い薩摩藩主、島津斉彬は、1851年、お由羅騒動の後、43歳の時に第11代薩摩藩主へ就任しました。 (お由羅騒動とは、前藩主の島津斉興の後継者を巡る跡継ぎ争いで、彼の側室のお由羅の子・島津久光を藩主にしようとする一派と、嫡子・島津斉彬の藩主襲封を願う家臣の対立により起きた、超有名な大事件です。)























 この写真は斉彬の死後、照国神社の御神体となりましたが、後に行方不明となっていました。1世紀の間失われていたダゲレオタイプは1975年に倉庫で発見され、後に日本人写真家によって作成された現存する最古のダゲレオタイプであることが判明しました。 1999年、日本政府はこれを最初の写真と認め、重要文化財に指定しました。
