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The Tone River Water System / 利根川水系
             July 3, 2020


About Kioroshi Kaido Road (木下街道)についてはこちら

Today I'd like to write about the Tone River. I went to the mouth of the Tone River for the first time last month, in the middle of June. Recently I am interested in the rivers in Japan, because I noticed that the Japanese society, economy and culture had flourished with the nice water transportation system throughout Japan.

What is the Tone River?

The Tone River is in the Kanto region in Japan. It is 322 kilometers in length (the second logest in Japan after the Shinano River) and has
a drainage area of 16,840 square kilometers, the largest in Japan. It is nicknamed Bando Taro (坂東太郎) and regarded as one of the Japan's three main rampage rivers, known to flood or overflow its banks; the others being the Yoshino River in Shikoku and the Chikugo River in Kyushu.
three main rampage rivers=

The source of the Tone River is at Mt. Ohminakami
(大水上山/1,831m) in the Echigo Mountains, which straddle the border between Gunma and Niigata Prefectures in Joshinetsu Kogen National Park. The Tone gathers tributaries and empties out into the Pacific Ocean at Cape Inubo, Choshi in Chiba Prefecture.
*empty=~を空にする、《川が》~に注ぐ(into~) empty≒pour

Major tributaries of the Tone River include the Katashina
(片品川/60km/菅沼、丸沼), the Agatsuma (吾妻川/76km/榛名湖、奥四万湖), the Watarase (渡良瀬川/107km/渡良瀬遊水地), the Kinu (鬼怒川/176km/中禅寺湖), the Kokai (小貝川/111km/牛久沼), and the Hitachi-Tone (常陸利根川/28km/霞ヶ浦、北浦). The Edo River (江戸川/59km) and the Nakagawa (中川/82km) including the Shin-nakagawa River branch away from the river and flow into Tokyo Bay.

History of the Tone River
The Tone River was once known for its uncontrollable nature, and its route changed whenever floods occurred. It is hard to trace its ancient route becuse the detailed related documents don't exist(?). But it is certain that the Tone River originally flowed into Tokyo Bay along the route of the present-day Edo River, and tributaries like the Watarase and Kinu had independent river system before.

For the sake of water transportation and flood control, extensive construction began in the 17th century during the Tokugawa Shogunate. Ina Tadatsugu
(伊奈忠次/1550-1610) built banks to prevent a river from overflowing as well as many other useful emterprises. Ina Tadaharu (伊奈忠治/1592-1653), Tadatsugu's son, constructed dikes, dammed up the river, and succeeded in changing the flow of the Tone River to go to the east, Choshi.

The Arakawa River (荒川/173km), which used to be a tributary of the Tone river, is not included in the Tone River Water System now. The Sumida River (隅田川), which branches from the Arakawa river at Iwabuchi, is included in the Arakawa River Water System.

The course of the river was significantly changed and the present route of the river was determined during the Meiji Period, with the assistance of Dutch civil engineer Anthonie Rouwenhorst Mulder. Its vast watershed is thus largely artificial.
*the Tone River Water System=利根川水系
Guide to Choshi/銚子市

Use of the Tone River
The Tone River became an indispensable inland water link between the capital at Edo (→Tokyo) to the Pacific Ocean. It carried, via the Edogawa River, not only local products like soy sauce from Choshi, but also products from the Tohoku region, in order to save time and to avoid risk in the open sea.

In 1678 wholesalers at Kioroshi
(木下河岸) started pleasure-boat services for visitors to three major shrines of the eastern region, Kashima-Jingu Shrine (鹿島神宮), Ikisu Shrine (息栖神社), Katori-Jingu Shrine (香取神宮). It is said that in those days the pilgrimage to the three shrines was to be followed by the pilgrimage to the Ise-Jingu Shrine (伊勢神宮) and became popular. (Jingu means a kind of Grand Shrine.)
Three major shrines in the eastern region/東国3社

With the advent of the railway in the 19th century, major shipping on the Tone quickly declined, and inland ports such as Noda, Sekiyado, Nagareyama and Sawara diminished in importance.

Today the river has several dams that supply water for more than 30 million inhabitants of metropolitan Tokyo and large-scale industrial areas such as the Keiyo Industrial Zone.
*indispensable=欠くことのできない、不可欠な(≒essential, necessary↔dispensable)
利根川水系・ダム/Dams in the Tone River Water System

I wrote this article using the information from Wikipedia/Tone River, etc.


伊奈忠次/1550-1610 (wikipediaより抜粋)

伊奈忠治/1592-1653 (wikipediaより抜粋

利根川水運 近世期に利根川が東遷されて銚子で太平洋に注ぐようになると、東北の物資が利根川をさかのぼって関宿に至り、ここから江戸川を経由して江戸へ運ばれるようになった。従来の外房(そとぼう)沖を航海するいわゆる外海廻(まわり)は危険が伴ったため、内廻りとよばれた利根川水運は盛況を呈し、沿岸には多くの河岸(かし)が発達した。下流から銚子、笹川、小見川(おみがわ)、佐原、神崎(こうざき)、滑川(なめがわ)、安食(あじき)、木下(きおろし)、布佐(ふさ)、関宿などの河港があり、江戸川に入って野田、流山(ながれやま)、松戸、行徳(ぎょうとく)などがにぎわった。河岸には船問屋、船宿、料理店などが建ち並んでおり、香取市の小野川沿いにある国指定史跡伊能忠敬(いのうただたか)旧宅も商家の一つであった。

木下河岸(カシ/川岸の魚市場)は銚子から高瀬舟で運ばれた物資を陸揚げし、ここから陸路(木下街道/Kioroshi Kaidou Road)で白井

Kioroshi Kaido Road used to be a very busy road!!
In Edo period there was a distribution channel using the Tone River.
Kioroshi Kaido Road was a land route which was a shortcut between Kioroshi Kashi Market along the Tone River to Gyotoku along the Edo River.
There used to be many (some?) lodgings at Shiroi and Kamagaya  (present Kamagaya Daibutsu) along Kioroshi Kaido Road.
In 1678 pleasure-boat-services started at Kioroshi Kashi and it is said that pilgrimages to three great shrines, Katori, Kashima and ikisu, got popular.





参考資料: The Tone River in a blog written by an American
/アメリカ人のブログ JAPAN THIS!